

Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide

by Tateki Miyazaki – David C. Moreton
This book contains information and all maps on such topics as the pilgrim route, temples and shrines, washrooms, food and lodging most useful for walking pilgrims. The list of items is from Tateki Miyazaki’s mapbook: 四国遍路ひとり歩き同行二人 (Shikoku Henro Hitori Aruki Dougyou Ninin).

Available in paperback, ISBN 978-4-8297-1054-8


The 1918 Shikoku Pilgrimage of Takamure Itsue

by Susan Tennant
Takamure Itsue, a young woman of 24 set off alone in 1918 to walk the 1400 kilometre pilgrimage route around the island of Shikoku. Her dream of a solitary journey ended when an old man of 73 insisted that he accompany her as servant and protector because he believed that she was an attendant of Kannon Bosatsu. The 105 newspaper articles that she wrote while making her pilgrimage made her an overnight sensation in Japan.

Available as paperback (ISBN 978-1450540759) or for Kindle



by Natsume Soseki
Botchan has been the most widely loved work of Soseki. It contains thoughts about youthful sense of justice and comical incidents of heroes, told in crisp humorous tone that will catch your attention.

Available for Kindle, for free through Amazon Japan.


The Pilgrims Years of the colorless Mr Tazaki (available in many languages)

by Haruki Murakami
Tsukuru Tazaki had four best friends at school. By chance all of their names contained a colour. The two boys were called Akamatsu, meaning ‘red pine’, and Oumi, ‘blue sea’, while the girls’ names were Shirane, ‘white root’, and Kurono, ‘black field’. Tazaki was the only last name with no colour in it. One day Tsukuru Tazaki’s friends announced that they didn’t want to see him, or talk to him, ever again. Since that day Tsukuru has been floating through life, unable to form intimate connections with anyone. But then he meets Sara, who tells him that the time has come to find out what happened all those years ago.

Available in paperback, ISBN 978-0099590378


The Heike

by Eiji Yoshikawa

Kyoto in the twelfth century was a magnificent city, but crime, disorder, and lust were rampant. The people were abused by the nobility, while armed Buddhist monks terrorized court and commoner alike. In despair, the Emperor called upon the Heike and Genji clans to quell civil disturbances. Although the clans succeeded, they quarreled over the spoils of war and plunged the country into a century of warfare. The Heike Story describes the rise to power of Kiyomori of the Heike clan during this turbulent time. From a youth sunk in poverty, Kiyomori eventually rose to become the Emperor’s Chief Councilor. Although he was a gentle, enlightened man, he left a trail of bloodshed and ruin in his wake. The strange twists of Kiyomori’s fate are the core of this epic novel.

Available in paperback, ISBN 978-4805310441



by Eiji Yoshikawa
Miyamoto Musashi was the child of an era when Japan was emerging from decades of civil strife. Lured to the great Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 by the hope of becoming a samurai-without really knowing what it meant-he regains consciousness after the battle to find himself lying defeated, dazed and wounded among thousands of the dead and dying. On his way home, he commits a rash act, becomes a fugitive and brings life in his own village to a standstill-until he is captured by a weaponless Zen monk.

Musashi is the world renowned author of “the book of 5 rings”

Available in paperback, ISBN 978-1568364278


Henro Boke: Pilgern auf Japanisch (German)

von Gerald Koll
Keiner ist Pilger. Jeder wird dazu. Und zwar, indem er oder sie sich verkleidet. Kostüm, Textbuch und Regieanweisung verhindern, dass man aus der Rolle fällt. Schritt für Schritt wächst man in seine Pilgerrolle hinein. Um jedem Vorwurf zuvorzukommen, lächle ich. Ich lächle reflexhaft das Lächeln dessen, der auf Wohlwollen angewiesen ist. Ich lächle, obwohl ich mich ständig verlaufe, weil die roten Pfeile, die an Lampen und Stämmen kleben, so klein sind, dass man sie erst sieht, wenn man weiss, wo sie sind. Mein Weg ist der Irrweg. Dauernd lasse ich mir auf der Karte meinen Standpunkt erklären, verstehe nichts, reime mir etwas zusammen, stets falsch.

Available in paperback, ISBN 978-3902113764


日本の宗教 – Japanese Religion (Japanese & English)

by James M. Vardaman & Sawada Gumi
This bilingual book covers topics like introduction to Japanese religion, folk belief and nature worship, Shinto,connection between Shinto and Buddhism, Buddhism, Christianity in Japan, new religions and new-new religions, as well as ceremonies and social customs.

Available in paperback, ISBN 978-4-7946-10076-9


四国八十八力所 – ワォーキング  (Japanese)

西日本 | 7
A guidebook with maps, all temple descriptions & addresses, routing-, sightseeing-, eating-, and sleeping-suggestions. Furthermore bus and train info, plus loads about culture & religion. Many nice pictures.

Available in paperback, ISBN 978-4-533-06815-7


四国全図 – complete map of Shikoku

Mapple Edition
1 : 350’00, with all 88 official temples (in Japanese with Kana)
ISBN 978-4-3987-6537-6